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Hey there! Looking for a way to get that floor as even as a pancake? You’re in the right place! Today we’re getting down and dirty with floor levelling screed. Let’s break it down step by step to make sure you nail it.

**Table of Contents**

1. What on Earth is Screed?

2. Why Should I Bother With Floor Levelling?

3. Step-by-Step Guide to Using Screed

4. Top Tips for a Perfect Finish

## What on Earth is Screed?

First things first, screed is not some alien life form. It’s simply a smooth layer of material (usually a mix of cement and sand) that’s applied to a floor to create a level surface. Think of it as the icing on your cake. Only, it’s your floor, not a cake.

## Why Should I Bother With Floor Levelling?

Good question! The answer is simple: A nicely levelled floor is the backbone of any good interior. It helps everything fit better, look better, and feel better. It’s like ironing your shirt before a job interview. Because let’s face it, no one wants to walk on a wonky floor.

## Step-by-Step Guide to Using Screed

1. **Clean the subfloor**: Make sure there is no dust, dirt or debris.

2. **Apply a layer of primer**: This helps the screed bond better with the floor.

3. **Mix your screed**: Follow the instructions to the letter.

4. **Apply the screed**: Spread it evenly using a trowel.

5. **Let it dry**: Patience, my friend.

## Top Tips for a Perfect Finish

* Always wear safety gear.

* Check the screed mix – not too wet, not too dry.

* Check the level often as you apply the screed.

* If you can, get a friend to help. It’s easier and way more fun!

There you have it. Your handy guide to floor levelling with screed. Remember, practice makes perfect, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.

**Get in Touch**

Got queries? Need more guidance? Drop us a line and we’ll be thrilled to help you out. Click here to get in touch with us. Happy floor levelling!